热心肠小伙伴们 2021-10-15
Potential PhD project for joint CSC-UG joint scholarship

Potential PhD project for joint CSC-UG joint scholarship


The research group of Prof. Jingyuan Fu from University Medical Center Groningen, the Netherlands, is looking for a PhD student.


Information about the CSC-UG joint scholarship can be found:



Charactering bacterial biosynthesis and biotransformation capacity: from novel gene discovery to bioactive compounds identification


Project description: The impact of the gut microbiome in human health is largely via its biocatalytic and biosynthesis capacity. In recent years, metagenomics-based approaches have identified various microbial species, even strains with specific genetic makeup, are involved in host’s immunity, metabolism, and drug response. However, detailed function of identified species remains to be experimentally confirmed. In LifeLines Microbiome Project, the information of disease, drug usage, genetics and the gut microbiome are available for over 8,000 individuals. Moreover, gut live microbes have been preserved. The aim of this project is to combine anaerobic culturomics with various biotechnological technologies and high-throughput omics profiling to functionally characterize bacterial species, genes and its bioactive products that are of high potential for clinical translation. Specifically, the project includes:


1. Screening bacterial metabolism of commonly used drugs. Previous studies have shown that 66% of drugs can be consumed by gut species. By combining mass spectrometry analysis, it is possible to assess the mass differences before and after microbial transformation, thereby predicting underlying chemical transformation. In this project, we will co-culture bacterial isolates with drugs to investigate drug biotransformation by bacterial genes. In addition to single isolate analysis, we also test the drug metabolism capacity of microbial communities by culturing the whole gut microbial community. Moreover, we also assess the impact of drugs on microbial community and the cross-feeding relationship between bacteria.


2. Via genomic mining tools, bacterial structural variations and genes are identified to be related to host’s metabolism and immunity. In addition to isolate strains of interest from human samples, we will also apple molecular technologies to clone, mutate, delete the genes of interest for functional understanding.


PhD student working on these projects will be expected to:


• An MSc degree in microbiology, biochemistry, pharmacy, and biomedicine

• Experiences in bacterial culture and metabolism are highly appreciated

• The candidate must be highly motivated and can work independently

• Excellent communication skills in English, orally and writing

• A team player


Working environment


The UMCG is one of five medical research centers in the Netherlands. The student will be jointly supervised by prof. Jingyuan Fu (genetics department) and Dr. Hermie Harmsen (department of microbiology). We have an energetic, dynamic, and international working environment, with state-of-the-art laboratory and computing technology. 


The research team is very enthusiastic and has published several high impact papers on the gut microbiome. With CSC-UG joint scholarship, the student will receive extra financial support from University of Groningen, in addition to CSC funding.


You can check the profiles of supervisors here:


Prof. Jingyuan Fu


Dr. Hermie Harmsen


Interested in this project


Please send your CV to Prof. Jingyuan Fu (j.fu@umcg.nl) by 15 Nov 2021. For more information, please also contact Prof. Jingyuan Fu (j.fu@umcg.nl).



荷兰格罗宁根大学系统医学教授。研究领域包括宿主和肠道菌群在代谢及免疫的相互作用,以及对人体健康和复杂疾症的影响。研究项目涉及大数据群体水平研究和发展器官芯片技术在个性化医疗的应用,特别是菌-肠-肝轴对人体代谢的调控。傅静远教授是荷兰LifeLines 荷兰肠道项目的主导人之一、跟踪分析近17万个体30年,分析遗传,饮食,环境,肠道菌群及社会经济因素对疾病和性状的影响,以达到个体化、精准化医疗。傅静远也是格罗宁根医学研究中心菌群实验中心的主要负责人之一。傅静远于2019年获荷兰盖伦奖提名,2022年获选热心肠“年度科学家”,2023年获荷兰Ammodo 奖,并多年以来入选科睿唯安“高被引科学家”。傅静远也担任了iMeta杂志的共同主编。