透明帽辅助内镜下硬化术 ( CAES )治疗痔疮全国RCT启动会
时长:15:30 分会场:2019中国肠道大会 - 整合肠病学大会
吴开春 时长:31:07
Update on Surgical Management of Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is one of the more difficult and complex diseases that we encounter as a colon and rectal surgeon as there is no cure and often times patients come back to surgery for their recurrence. Initially, Crohn’s disease, along with ulcerative colitis had a rapid growth in the western, industrialized countries but now the incidence is rising rapidly in the rest of the world. It has now become a global health issue. With the use of biologics, many Crohn’s patients have had longer remission. However, despite the advances in medical treatment, majority of Crohn’s patients will undergo surgery. Furthermore, many of these patients requiring surgery have become more complex with worsening co-morbid conditions. However, the advancement of minimal invasive surgery along with enhanced recovery after surgery programs have improved patient outcome.
Edward Lee 时长:23:21
透明帽辅助内镜下硬化术(CAES) 操作常见错误视频解析
张发明教授推出透明帽辅助内镜下硬化术(CAES)治疗内痔技术已有多年,该项技术得到了许多临床医务工作者的关注和重视,在全国多家医院进行了推广和应用,给很多饱受内痔困扰的病友带来了微创、有效的治疗。 广东药科大学附一院消化内科在张发明教授指导下开展CAES治疗内痔近5年,治疗病例近500人次,在此次发言中该院袁瑜副主任医师通过多段既往临床CAES治疗视频的展示,结合对治疗过程中出现的一些可能影响治疗效果或易带来不良并发症的技术细节的讲解和分析,讲述了自己及部分开展CAES治疗的同道在CAES治疗中所获得的一些经验和教训,希望能将这些对疗效及安全性影响重大的技术细节提出来,通过各位专家的讨论,统一认识,以促进该项技术的进一步完善和发展。
袁瑜 时长:22:39